
Subject Overview

The English department extends a warm and enthusiastic welcome to all pupils. Our aim is to ensure each student develops their English skills to the highest possible levels of competence and confidence in reading, writing, listening and talking, from S1 and the broad general education to S6 and Advanced Higher.

We also strive to develop pupils’ skills in co-operative working, to foster a love of reading and to develop critical thinking skills. Pupils are enriched through access to a wide range of novels, short stories, plays, poetry and non-fiction texts. We also encourage an awareness and enjoyment of Scottish language and literature with Chromebooks and IT suites available to support pupils’ learning as required.

The English department encourages pupils to participate in creative writing competitions, theatre trips, film club, book groups and an established S3 ‘Reading Friends’ program where, only last year, our inspirational S3 volunteers attracted the attention of the First Minister for their commitment to community volunteering as ‘Reading Friends’ to older people.

Course Information


Advanced Higher English





Contact Us

Bannockburn Road
Stirling FK7 0HQ