
Subject Overview

In our Maths department we aim to develop every young person’s skills in using mathematical language, to explore mathematical ideas and to develop mathematical skills relevant to learning, life and work in an engaging and enjoyable way. At the end of their Maths journey we feel all of our young people should be able to:

  • Problem solve
  • Communicate clearly
  • Investigate, Explain
  • Compare
  • Interpret Information
  • Listen
  • Work collaboratively
  • Work independently


In S1-S3 we concentrate on teaching the Curriculum for Excellence E’s & O’s. Our work is split into different themes to allow us to teach all of our young people effectively. We have designed our courses to match the different abilities of each individual and to make sure all of our young people are challenged appropriately. These themes are:

  • Number, Money & Measure
  • Shape, Position & Movement
  • Information Handling
  • Numeracy Skills

Senior Phase

In years S4 -6 pupils will develop the knowledge and skills required to be successful in achieving National Qualifications at the end of each school year.

  • Maths courses at National 4 & 5 levels will develop the skills required to progress to the Higher Maths course.
  • The National 4 Life Skills Course develops the skills that are immediately useful for life and work.
  • We offer National 4, National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher Maths courses.

Course Information


Advanced Higher Mathematics





Contact Us

Bannockburn Road
Stirling FK7 0HQ