Head Teacher Christmas Message 2022

December 21, 2022

Christmas gives us an opportunity to pause and reflect on the important things around us, to ask ourselves what we are thankful for and to make new memories.

So, what has been important within the community of Bannockburn High School in 2022, a year which has been influenced by the tenderness of the recent past, courage for the present, and hope for the future?

Generosity of spirit, pride and community are the words which come to my mind when I think back on this past year.

Generosity of spirit: because we have so many people working with and within our school who care deeply about our young people and go above and beyond to support them and their families. So many people who are dedicated to our young people and believe in and work tirelessly to realise our shared vision of shaping the brightest future for all.

Pride: because we are immensely proud of our young people and their achievements. Those achievements that we can share and celebrate publicly but also those more private small steps forward which mean every bit as much and take just as much effort and determination.

Community: because we are one team. We cannot work in insolation – we are stronger, wiser, and able to achieve much more when we work together. Staff collaboration, pupil voice, parents as partners and wider partners who serve our community being based within our school, all serve as examples of how we work together to improve outcomes for our young people.

In the words of Dr Seuss:

“Christmas will always be as long as we stand heart to heart and hand in hand.”

With deepest gratitude for your contribution to our school this year, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our young people and their families, partners, and friends of our school, a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Have a wonderful, restful break when it comes.


Mrs K Hook