Pupil Support

In Bannockburn High School we are committed to the education of the whole child and recognise that each child has intellectual, moral, physical and social needs. In order to meet these needs we believe that we must provide the best possible conditions for learning for all our pupils. A school ethos based on values such as respect, love, trust, compassion, justice and integrity is central to our approach to Pupil Support. We believe that learning is a collective as well as an individual responsibility and that all members of our school community are responsible for their own achievements and contribute to the achievement of others. It is essential to have Pupil Support structures which exemplify and embody our philosophy of valuing all pupils as individuals and as members of the community of Bannockburn High School.


Mrs Del Valle

Mrs Del Valle


Mrs Lorna Shepherd

Mrs Lorna Shepherd


Mrs Lauren Saunders

Mrs Lauren Saunders


Mr Gareth Kirk

Mr Gareth Kirk


Mr Gary Shepherd

Mr Gary Shepherd


Mrs Lisa Weir

Mrs Lisa Weir


Miss Rachael McIlwraith

Miss Rachael McIlwraith

Bluebell House

Mr David Oxburgh

Mr David Oxburgh


New Year Group Structure

Our Pupil Support structures are year group based since the key experiences of young people at secondary school – their curriculum and their assessment – are year-group based. Our system integrates pastoral care and support for learning in an attempt to provide a holistic approach to supporting individual pupils. Peer group issues which can impact on the progress of pupils are addressed by teams of Pupil Support Teachers within our year-group horizontal system. With a strong emphasis on pro-active methods which anticipate the support our pupils will require, the approaches adopted by our Pupil Support team acknowledge the fact that all young people need support some, if not all of the time, during their school career. The year group teams are comprised of the Depute Head Teacher (DHT), Principal Teacher Pupil Support (PT PS), Additional Support Needs (ASN) Teacher, Support for Learning Assistant(s) (SLA) and Form Class Tutors (FCT). As each year group moves up the school, the year group teams move up with them.

Please scroll sideways to see full table
Head Teacher | Mrs K Hook
S1S2S3S4S5S6PathwaysBluebell House
DHTMr G BoyceMr C SomervilleMrs V SherryMr C SomervilleMrs V SherryMr G BoyceMrs HookMr G Boyce
PTPSMr G KirkMrs L WeirMr D OxburghMrs L Weir
Mr D Oxburgh
Mrs L ShepherdMr G ShepherdMr G ShepherdMiss R McIlwraith
DHT = Depute Head Teacher, PTPS = Principal Teacher of Pupil Support

Who to contact

Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is something causing concern. Our Pupil Support Team meets frequently to monitor progress, attendance and timekeeping – they in turn will contact you to discuss both matters for concern and praise. Principal Teachers of Pupil Support should be the first and main point of contact when parents are contacting the school.

Please use the form below or click the button to call the office. 

Arrange Pupil Support Contact

6 + 15 =






Contact Us

Bannockburn Road
Stirling FK7 0HQ